Asa is an idealistic young man who, after finishing his naval service, returns to the vast featureless steppe of Kazakhstan to live with his sister Samal and her husband Ondas. In order to become a shepherd, Asa must first be married, but the only eligible woman within miles is the enigmatic Tulpan and she rejects him because his ears are too big. Unperturbed, Asa sets out to persuade Tulpan that he would be an excellent prospect, weathering constant run-ins with his bullying brother-in-law. This is a gorgeously shot and eminently lovable film.
12 cert – 2008 – Dir: Sergey Dvortsevoy
100 mins – Lang: Russian, Kazakh
Cast: Ondasyn Besikbasov, Tulepbergen Baisakalov, Zhappas Dzhailaubaev